BKA’s galore

Skep cruet

Skep cruet

My membership for the BBKA arrived a few days ago so I went to the Booker cash and carry to register and buy some sugar.  It is years since I have been there and the Google map was really not helpful – I think it positioned the marker from just the first part of the postcode so I am ashamed to say I got terribly lost despite the fact I used to take the girls there in connection with Young Enterprise.

Tonight is the HWBKA honey show and AGM so it will be my first visit.  Not sure whether it is the steroids or what but new situations do seem to cause me more stress than ever they used to.  I have no honey to offer.  I think the MBBKA has a general category for any bee related items so I might be able to enter my salt and pepper pots at their honey show in a few weeks.

For anyone wondering why I’d be part of two local BKA’s.   HWBKA has its beginners courses on a Tuesday which is a bad night for me but I found that MBBKA have their course on a Monday or a Wednesday – Monday this coming year.  My mentor happens to be a member of HWBKA though I am probably equidistant between the two.  I like the fact that HWBKA has quite a tradition for educational enterprise and the Hughenden Manor project revolves around HWBKA.  I have already met some of the MBBKA at an apiary meeting – all very pleasant and helpful.  So I will be a full member of MBBKA and associate of HWBKA at least initially!

Wish me luck.

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